Monday, March 10, 2008

food glorious food

I've been eating the most amazing food. And quite a variety as well. I should take my camera around so I can take some photos of a few dishes. Thais are known for snacking and the street food and drinks are the best! Most every day I buy a freshly made juice or smoothie for 50 cents. Having said that, I've visited some amazing restaurants, mostly Thai but also some decent Italian and many that serve a variety of palettes. There is great food right in the neighborhood but it's also been fun to go into the central city for a nice meal. The only problem is that the servings are quite small and everyone knows my infamous appetite. However, it's not too much of a problem if one eats more often.


sherry said...

Please take foto's, i want to see the food!

Anonymous said...

Finally caught up on your travels - wow. Such beauty; what an adventure. Can't WAIT to see you and hear more. xo

anaQ said...

yum! that spring roll makes my mouth water! and all of the buddha photos are beautiful!