Saturday, February 23, 2008


After 33 hours of travel we finally arrived at Santitham Guest House in Chiang Mai. When we arrived at the airport we quickly made it though customs and retrieved our baggage. We walked out of the terminal looking for our driver holding a "Welcome Kelly" sign in vain. There was no sign and no driver. We were the only Americans on the plane and I believe the only 2 native English speakers; it was almost 1:00 am so all the normal airport desks were closed. We stood there with a blank stare for awhile and eventually a young Thai woman asked us where we were staying etc. Since we had no Thai Baht and the currency exchange center was closed without her we really would have been stuck. She called our guest house proprietor and he came to pick us up. Everyone at the airport was really helpful. Jahri got "huge gash on her finger from the suitcase and it formed a puddle of blood; her whole arm almost came off". Actually she got a small but painful cut that was mended with a bandaid

We are staying in a great place, photos coming soon. We can't post any pics now because my mom has the cord to the camera but will when she arrives. She was able to get her passport and I believe she's on her way but need to confirm that with someone soon. A 12 hour time difference makes it difficult to reach people.

We have a private outdoor shower in our room, my favorite! I've already taken two showers today because it's so hot and humid and perhaps I'll take a third under the stars. Our room is big and cool with brightly colored tiles. It's a little bungalow separate from the main house. We're paying an extra $8 night for the bungalow but it's totally worth it. My mom will love it, we can't wait till she arrives.

We haven't done much today. Had a nice little breakfast of fresh fruit and yogurt, had an engaging conversation with another American staying here, found our way to the mall to exchange currency and have lunch. Came home for a nice nap. Jahri hasn't been feeling all that great. She's jetlagged and has a sore throat and doesn't do so well in the heat and humidity especially so suddenly. We played some card games which I lost and are now getting ready for dinner.

It's more urban here then we expected. More on Chiang Mai tomorrow...

1 comment:

anaQ said...

hey kelly!

glad to see you got there ok (my arrival in dar was so similar!! it was late when i got here and there was no driver holding an "ana" sign as i'd expected...). enjoy your star-dipped showers and make the most of your stay. the days just fly by.

i am glad that blogging is contagious, that way we can all keep track of each other's adventures.
